Package Fset - external symbols

Part of:

asdf-system fset
Package Fset uses the packages Common-Lisp, Gmap, Lexical-Contexts and New-Let. It has 1390 total symbols and 132 external ones.


bagThe abstract class for FSet functional bags (multisets). It is a structure
bounded-setA “bounded set” is a subset (not necessarily proper) of a specified set,
called the “universe”. ...
collectionThe root class of the FSet functional collections hierarchy. It is a
structure class.
dyn-tupleA class of functional tuples represented as vectors with dynamically-
reordered key vectors. Thi...
identity-ordering-mixinA mixin class for classes whose instances will be used in FSet collections,
and for which the app...
mapThe abstract class for FSet functional maps. It is a structure class.
relationThe abstract class for FSet relations. It is a structure class.
seqThe abstract class for FSet functional seqs (sequences, but we use the short
name to avoid confus...
setThe abstract class for FSet functional sets. It is a structure class.
tupleThe abstract class for FSet functional tuples. It is a structure class.
wb-bagA class of functional bags (multisets) represented as weight-balanced binary
trees. This is the ...
wb-mapA class of functional maps represented as weight-balanced binary trees. This is
the default impl...
wb-seqA class of functional seqs (sequences, but we use the short name to avoid
confusion with cl:sequ...
wb-setA class of functional sets represented as weight-balanced binary trees. This is
the default impl...


*fset-readtable*A copy of the standard readtable with FSet reader macros installed.


empty-bagReturns an empty bag of the default implementation.
empty-dyn-tupleReturns an empty dyn-tuple.
empty-mapReturns an empty map of the default implementation.
empty-seqReturns an empty seq of the default implementation.
empty-setReturns an empty set of the default implementation.
empty-tupleReturns an empty tuple of the default implementation.
empty-wb-bagReturns an empty wb-bag.
empty-wb-mapReturns an empty wb-map.
empty-wb-seqReturns an empty wb-seq.
empty-wb-setReturns an empty wb-set.
fset-setup-readtableAdds FSet reader macros to readtable. Returns readtable.
get-tuple-keyFinds or creates a tuple key named name. If the key did not already exist,
and default-fn is...
headAnother name for the car operation on lists.
lastconsReturns the last cons of list. This is a renaming of the CL function last.
nonempty?Returns true iff the collection is not empty.
tailAnother name for the cdr operation on lists.


arbReturns an arbitrary member or pair of a set, bag, or map. Specifically,
on a nonempty set, retu...
bag-differenceReturns a bag whose multiplicity, for any value, is its multiplicity
in bag1 less that in bag2...
bag-productReturns a bag whose multiplicity, for any value, is the product of
its multiplicities in the two ...
bag-sumReturns a bag whose multiplicity, for any value, is the sum of its
multiplicities in the two argu...
compareReturns one of :less, :greater, :equal, or :unequal according as x
is less than, greate...
complementReturns the complement of the set.
composeReturns a new map with the same domain as map1, which maps each member
of that domain to the re...
concatReturns the concatenation of seq1 and seq2.
conflictsReturns a 2-relation containing only those pairs of 2-relation whose domain value
is mapped to ...
contains?Returns true iff the set or bag contains x.
convertConverts the collection to the specified type. Some methods may
take additional keyword argument...
countIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:count. On an FSet
collection, the def...
count-ifIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:count-if. On an
FSet collection, the ...
count-if-notIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:count-if-not.
On an FSet collection, t...
disjoint?Returns true iff set1 and set2 have a null intersection (without
actually constructing said i...
domainReturns the domain of the map, that is, the set of keys mapped by the map.
empty?Returns true iff the collection is empty.
filterReturns a new collection containing those members or pairs of collection
for which fn returns...
findIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:find. On an FSet
collection, the defa...
find-ifIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:find-if. On an
FSet collection, the ...
find-if-notIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:find-if-not.
On an FSet collection, th...
firstReturns the first element of seq, i.e., element 0. This has a back-
compatibility method for l...
greatestOn a set, returns two values: the greatest member of the set and
true; on a bag, returns three va...
imageReturns a new collection containing the result of applying fn to each
member of collection, w...
insertReturns a new sequence like seq but with val inserted at idx (the seq
is extended in either...
intersectionReturns the intersection of the two sets/bags. The result is a bag
if both arguments are bags; o...
inverseThe inverse of a binary relation.
iteratorReturns an iterator for the collection. (These are stateful iterators and
are not thread-safe; i...
joinA relational equijoin, matching up column-a of relation-a with column-b of
relation-b. F...
lastReturns the last element of seq, i.e., element (1- (size seq)). This
has methods for CL list...
leastOn a set, returns two values: the smallest member of the set and
true; on a bag, returns three va...
lessOn a set, removes value1 from it if present, returning the updated set.
On a bag, removes valu...
less-firstReturns the subsequence of seq from element 1 through the end.
less-lastReturns the subsequence of seq from element 0 through the next-to-last
lookupIf collection is a map, returns the value to which key is mapped.
If collection is a seq, t...
lookup-invDoes an inverse lookup on a binary relation.
map-difference-2Returns, as two values: a map containing all the pairs that are in map1
but not map2, with th...
map-intersectionReturns a map containing all the keys that are in the domains of both
map1 and map2, where th...
map-unionReturns a map containing all the keys of map1 and map2, where the
value for each key containe...
multiplicityReturns the multiplicity of x in the bag.
positionIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:position. On an
FSet seq, the default...
position-ifIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:position-if.
Also works on an FSet seq...
position-if-notIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:position-if-not.
Also works on an FSet...
rangeReturns the range of the map, that is, the set of all values to which keys
are mapped by the map.
reduceIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:reduce (q.v.).
On an FSet collection, ...
removeIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:remove. On an
FSet seq, the default f...
remove-ifIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:remove-if.
Also works on an FSet seq; ...
remove-if-notIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:remove-if-not.
Also works on an FSet s...
restrictReturns a map containing only those pairs of map whose keys are
also in set.
restrict-notReturns a map containing only those pairs of map whose keys are
not in set.
reverseReturns seq in reverse order.
set-differenceReturns the set difference of set1 and set2, i.e., the set containing
every member of set1 that...
set-difference-2Returns set1 - set2 and set2 - set1 as two values.
sizeReturns the number of members in a set, seq, or bag, or the number of
pairs in a map. The size o...
sortReturns seq sorted by pred, a function of two arguments; if key is
supplied, it is a functi...
stable-sortReturns seq sorted by pred, a function of two arguments; if key is
supplied, it is a functi...
subbag?Returns true iff sub is a subbag of super, that is, for every
member of sub, super contai...
subseqReturns the subsequence of seq from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive),
where end defau...
subset?Returns true iff sub is a subset of super.
substituteIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:substitute. On
an FSet seq, the defau...
substitute-ifIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:substitute-if.
Also works on an FSet s...
substitute-if-notIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:substitute-if-not.
Also works on an FS...
tuple-mergeReturns a new tuple containing all the keys of tuple1 and tuple2,
where the value for each ke...
unionReturns the union of the two sets/bags. The result is a set if both
arguments are sets; otherwis...
withOn a set, adds value1 to it, returning the updated set. On a bag, adds
value2 occurrences of...
with-defaultReturns a new map or seq with the same contents as collection but whose
default is now new-def...
with-firstReturns seq with val prepended, that is, val is element 0 of the
result, and the elements o...
with-lastReturns seq with val appended, that is, val is element (size seq)
of the result.


@A little hack with two purposes: (1) to make it easy to make FSet maps
behave like Lisp functions...
adjoinf(adjoinf coll . args) --> (setf coll (with coll . args))
bagConstructs a bag of the default implementation according to the supplied
argument subforms. Each...
compare-slotsA handy macro for writing the bodies of compare methods for user classes.
Returns the result of...
def-tuple-keyDefines a tuple key named name. If default-fn is supplied, it is used
to compute a value for...
define-cross-type-compare-methodsGenerates cross-type comparison methods for type against the types on
which the macro has previ...
do-bagFor each member of bag, binds value-var to it and and executes body a
number of times equal...
do-bag-pairsFor each member of bag, binds value-var and mult-var to the member and
its multiplicity res...
do-mapFor each pair of map, binds key-var and value-var and executes body.
When done, returns ...
do-seqFor each element of seq, possibly restricted by start and end, and in
reverse order if fro...
do-setFor each member of set, binds var to it and executes body. When done,
returns value.
do-tupleFor each pair of tuple, binds key-var and value-var and executes body.
When done, returns...
dyn-tupleConstructs a dyn-tuple according to the supplied argument subforms. Each
argument subform can be...
mapConstructs a map of the default implementation according to the supplied
argument subforms. Each...
pop-firstRemoves the first element from seq and returns it.
pop-lastRemoves the last element from seq and returns it.
push-first(push-first seq val) --> (setf seq (with-first seq val))
push-last(push-last seq val) --> (setf seq (with-last seq val))
removef(removef coll . args) --> (setf coll (less coll . args))
seqConstructs a seq of the default implementation according to the supplied
argument subforms. Each...
setConstructs a set of the default implementation according to the supplied
argument subforms. Each...
tupleConstructs a tuple of the default implementation according to the supplied
argument subforms. Ea...
wb-bagConstructs a wb-bag according to the supplied argument subforms. Each
argument subform can be an...
wb-mapConstructs a wb-map according to the supplied argument subforms. Each
argument subform can be a ...
wb-seqConstructs a wb-seq according to the supplied argument subforms. Each
argument subform can be an...
wb-setConstructs a wb-set according to the supplied argument subforms. Each
argument subform can be an...