Class Bounded-Set

A “bounded set” is a subset (not necessarily proper) of a specified set,
called the “universe”. (Topologically, it is a set in the discrete topology
on the universe.)

Part of:

package fset, class set

Direct Superclass

setThe abstract class for FSet functional sets. It is a structure class.



Direct Method

arbReturns an arbitrary member or pair of a set, bag, or map. Specifically,
on a nonempty set, retu...
compareReturns one of :less, :greater, :equal, or :unequal according as x
is less than, greate...
complementReturns the complement of the set.
contains?Returns true iff the set or bag contains x.
convertConverts the collection to the specified type. Some methods may
take additional keyword argument...
disjoint?Returns true iff set1 and set2 have a null intersection (without
actually constructing said i...
empty?Returns true iff the collection is empty.
internal-do-setCalls elt-fn on successive elements of the set; when done, calls value-fn
on no arguments and...
intersectionReturns the intersection of the two sets/bags. The result is a bag
if both arguments are bags; o...
lessOn a set, removes value1 from it if present, returning the updated set.
On a bag, removes valu...
set-differenceReturns the set difference of set1 and set2, i.e., the set containing
every member of set1 that...
sizeReturns the number of members in a set, seq, or bag, or the number of
pairs in a map. The size o...
subset?Returns true iff sub is a subset of super.
unionReturns the union of the two sets/bags. The result is a set if both
arguments are sets; otherwis...
withOn a set, adds value1 to it, returning the updated set. On a bag, adds
value2 occurrences of...

Other Method

closureThe transitive closure of the set over the relation. The relation may
also be supplied as a func...
countIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:count. On an FSet
collection, the def...
count-ifIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:count-if. On an
FSet collection, the ...
count-if-notIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:count-if-not.
On an FSet collection, t...
filterReturns a new collection containing those members or pairs of collection
for which fn returns...
findIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:find. On an FSet
collection, the defa...
find-ifIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:find-if. On an
FSet collection, the ...
find-if-notIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:find-if-not.
On an FSet collection, th...
imageReturns a new collection containing the result of applying fn to each
member of collection, w...
multiplicityReturns the multiplicity of x in the bag.
reduceIf collection is a Lisp sequence, this simply calls cl:reduce (q.v.).
On an FSet collection, ...
sortReturns seq sorted by pred, a function of two arguments; if key is
supplied, it is a functi...
stable-sortReturns seq sorted by pred, a function of two arguments; if key is
supplied, it is a functi...